Jug with Face
Lindumusa Mabaso (South African, 1956 - ?)
ZAR 1,000 - ZAR 1,500
12 cm - 13 cm (4.72 in - 5.12 in)
numbered v.74.99 and marked with the Rorke's Drift ELC Art and Craft Centre logo

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August Online Auction
Aug 13, 2023
Modern and Contemporary Art
Jug with Face
ZAR 1,000 - ZAR 1,500
12 cm - 13 cm (4.72 in - 5.12 in)
numbered v.74.99 and marked with the Rorke's Drift ELC Art and Craft Centre logo

Signedin to unlock
Strauss & Co | Online
Aug 13, 2023
Modern and Contemporary Art